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Welcome to Our Practice

Moutaa BenMaamer, MD, FACS, is a highly experienced general and vascular surgeon who is board-certified in the United States and the European Union.

At his practice, the General Surgery Institute, Vein Institute, located in Fort Myers, Florida, Dr. BenMaamer performs the full scope of general surgeries, with additional specializations in mesh-free hernia repair, colorectal surgery, thyroid, and parathyroid surgery.

As a vascular surgeon, Dr. BenMaamer has extensive experience in numerous advanced treatments to treat varicose veins and leg pain, ulcer, and swelling caused by vascular disease. He offers the American and European ways of treating conditions, presenting patients with both options so they can make the best decision.

After receiving his medical degree from the Medicine School of Tunis, in Tunis, Tunisia, Dr. BenMaamer completed a residency in general and vascular surgery at the University of Medicine of Nice in Nice, France.

After relocating to the United States, he completed a residency in general surgery in Youngstown, Ohio, and a fellowship in vascular surgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.

Dr. BenMaamer is fluent in English, French, and Arabic and welcomes new patients and returning patients who may still need exceptional general surgery or vascular care.


Bret A. Cardwell, MD, FACS

Board Certified general surgeon with more than 30 years of experience spanning the spectrum of general and acute care surgery. Special interest and skill in a minimally invasive, complex hernia repair and abdominal wall reconstruction. After 8 years of establishing than running the hernia and abdominal wall center for Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, we (spouse and I) return to the USA to be closer to friends and family. This give us the opportunity to bring that unique service to SW Florida.

Daanish Kazi, MD, FACS

Dr. Daanish Kazi, a board-certified general surgeon with fellowships in bariatric and foregut surgery, as well as advanced laparoscopy and endoscopy, has rejoined our practice alongside Dr. BenMaamer, Dr. Siegel, and associates. His passion lies in tailoring bariatric solutions to meet individual patient needs. Throughout his career, he has been dedicated to teaching, serving as a preceptor for medical students and residents.

Joseph F. Yurich, MD

Board Certified general surgeon with more than 15 years of experience encompassing the entirety of general and acute care surgery. I have a special interest in robotics and minimally invasive surgery. After spending my whole life serving my community in Ohio surgically and in the military my wife and I have decided to move to SW Florida to bring our skills and serve this community.

Steve R. Siegal, MD, FACS

Dr. Steve Siegal is a fellowship trained bariatric and upper GI surgeon. Originally from the Naples/Fort Myers area, he graduated from the University of Miami in 2008. He then received his medical degree from the University of Florida in 2013. Dr. Siegal then pursued his general surgery residency at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR. Following his general surgery residency, Dr. Siegal pursued a fellowship in advanced gastrointestinal, endoscopic and bariatric surgery at Penn State University where he focused on advanced surgical endoscopy. Dr. Siegal is one of a handful of skilled surgeons whom perform the cutting edge Endoscopic Sleeve procedure for bariatric patients.

Megan Bowers, PA

Megan is board certified Physician Assistant who graduated from Duquesne University located in Pittsburgh, PA with a Bachelors Degree in Health Sciences and a Masters in Physician Assistant Studies. At the the BenMaamer Institute, she specializes in bariatric education and weight management courses and management of GLP-1 agonist medications. She has a passion for helping her patients achieve their weight-loss goals, celebrating their victories both on and off the scale. Megan finds joy in creating personalized exercise and nutrition plans for each patients unique needs.

Amber Madmoni

As the Practice Manager of the BenMaamer Institute, Amber brings a wealth of experience in healthcare administration, Medical Assisting, Aesthetics and all-around patient-centered service. Amber is dedicated to fostering a supportive and compassionate environment for patients and her team, enhancing practice efficiency and maintaining a high standard of patient care. In her free time, Amber loves to enjoy her family, her two Great Danes and her Macaw!

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